Looks like I'm going to be a Cingular customer

So I'm a guy. Guy's like electronics. I used to be WAY into electronics, until I realized how much money they cost. So now I enjoy admiring from a distance. Apple made admiration from a distance decidely more difficult this afternoon. iPhone...I am eagerly anticipating your arrival. As my friend Stevie put it..."Welcome, future. Make yourself at home."
January 10, 2007 at 10:22 AM
Yes, I agree. That thing is beautiful. It might make me actually like talking on the phone rather than being scared of it (which I think your wife would understand.) Come to think of it, my Verizon plan expires in a month or so...... top
January 10, 2007 at 11:37 AM
Amo inc-If you were to switch to Cingular and get this work of art masquerading as a phone I would be very excited...I checked on my Sprint plan...only 22 months till I don't have to pay $500 to leave! top
January 11, 2007 at 10:17 AM
man i want one too. its sooo puuurty. top