I guess... Wednesday, January 23, 2008 |
it'd be a start.Labels: propaganda, Religion
Question: How do we tell four kids that we love (one of whom is infected with HIV from a Mom who's already dead) that's it's impossible for us to be together because the government won't allow it. Kids who stole our heart, who we care for desperately and pray for regularly and talk to on the phone weekly, kids whose stories we know (and feel)...how do we explain to four kids who have NEVER traveled outside of Mamelodi, South Africa, that even though it seems like the most natural thing in the world to be a family, it's never going to happen without bank statements and land titles and earning reports and background checks and red tape that's impossible to wade through.
Still waiting...
Because there is no answer.
Because seen through the eyes of one of these kids (who call us Mom and Dad no less), who have nothing in this world besides some shred of hope that someday we'll all be together, there is no right answer to this question.
There's only No.

I wish I knew how to say Yes.
Labels: South Africa
Saturday night I wanted to bake a cake for friends. We didn't have any icing. I ran to my local grocery store for some chocolate icing. This is what I was confronted with:
These were just what was handy. Seven freaking varieties of chocolate icing. Prefer "Creamy Homestyle Classic Chocolate?"-got it. "Creamy Supreme Chocolate Cream Cheese?"-done. "Whipped Supreme Milk Chocolate?"-Thank GOD it's here!
Let me make this clear. These were just in one section. There were other sections. This is Crazy (capital "C" intentional).
Once I grabbed one (Creamy Supreme Chocolate Cream Cheese thank you very much), I then had to go grab some ice cream...once I'd settled on Edy's slow Churned 1/2 Fat Vanilla, I still had to decide between Vanilla, Vanilla Bean, or French Vanilla.
I hate America.
The cake was magnificent.Labels: America, cake, Chocolate icing
Last night I was transported back to a magical time, a time where I sat as an 11 year old at the lunch table with my parents at noon on Saturday and watched roid-raging men take on people JUST LIKE MY DAD, everyday, ordinary people, in amazing feats of strength and endurance. I loved every second of it. I could almost smell the bacon cooking on the stove behind me as I watched last night. Now, this was not your late 80's to mid 90's American Gladiator. The original was precious, in a "we have a $10,000 budget we have to hit to get the dam show on tape" kind of way. This present day version had smoke, and fire, and slick graphics, and The Hulkster. Not the same thing. My suggestions?
Bring back Mike Adamle...

and Todd Christensen, or Larry Csonka.
Where's Gemini, or Nitro? Let's face it, Siren taught me what a woman was (kind of).
I digress. The show was still cheeky and ridiculous, and R and I both got very excited when they announced Assault was back! What I wouldn't give to hurl bean bags or arrows at that target while tennis balls hurled at me at 100 miles an hour. Bliss.
So why DOES God LOVE American Gladiators, you may find yourself still asking. I will explain. In hour two, once the women's Eliminator had finished (what a test of skill and endurance!), the women's winner is being interviewed by the Hulkster. She leads with...wait for it..."I just want to thank God first and foremost, who saw me through tonight."
Yes, Virginia, God does love American Gladiators, and shepherds those he wants to win 100k and the title of the next American Gladiator to safely finish the Eliminator.
All is well in America tonight.Labels: American Gladiators
Below are thoughts, not concrete facts (not even close)...read at your own risk...
With all the attention given to the presidential race (insert sarcastic half-hearted Yea! here), I've been thinking a bit about the role of Kingdom folks in the governments of this world. I keep finding myself fighting between total apathy and a little guilt over the "freedom" afforded me to live in a country where I can be apathetic. If I consider Pakistan, or the fire consuming Kenya right now, it seems very Western of me to regard all our talk of freedom with eye rolls and cynicism, when in fact I do have an outstanding opportunity to affect change through our government.
History would show the modern western concept of "freedom" is the result of Enlightenment thinkers like Thomas Hobbes reacting against the perpetual religious-political violence of the 17th century by completely separating politics from theology/religion. The modern concept of political freedom, in other words, is an inherently secular concept. While some conservative Christians try to argue that the Constitution of America is somehow rooted in Christianity, it can be argued that it came about only because influential thinkers abandoned Christianity and all religion as a foundation for political thought.
The movement Jesus came to establish -- the Kingdom of God -- can't be identified with the Christian religion. In fact, insofar as the Christian religion hasn't looked like Jesus Christ loving, serving and dying for his enemies (which it hasn't ever really looked like that since he died for us), it contrasts with the Kingdom of God. It's in the interest of all people in the Kingdom to passionately point this sharp contrast out to people.
The modern concept of political freedom is inherently secular. I passionately reject the secular, humanistic, materialistic worldview. But because I think political freedom is a good thing, I just as passionately want to keep religion out of politics (am I going to Hell for this thinking)?
The bottom line is that religion and politics don't mix. Not only are free societies threatened by the mixing of religion with politics, but history shows that mixing politics and religion is disastrous for Christianity. This is what concerns me most.
Interested in relationship with Jesus? Cool, seems like he asks us to do one thing: follow him! We're called to mimic his loving service to all others, even if this entails suffering for enemies (Eph 5:1-2; 1 Pet. 2:20-25). We're not called to pretend that we have any superior wisdom or morality when it comes to resolving political conflicts.
So here I stand...very confused...this is all pretty much in direct conflict with a solid 18 years of vote Republican and picket Planned Parethood or you're going to hell. Comments welcome...