A solicitation for input

1. Wakeboarding Move of the Day-Title and description of various ways to hurt yourself while gliding on water at 23 mph on the Licking River
2. Credit Card Offer of the Day-A brief summation of one of the myriad of offers that hit our mailbox everyday. R and I get so many offers, I should probably do something with them.
3. Favorite Daily Blog Post from Someone Else's Blog-I have started reading several blogs (both real friends and virtual internet friends). I could post my favorite piece from someone else so your knowledge base would grow.
4.Worse Job for Me on the Planet-Being in the middle of a job search, I've been thinking about career stuff alot lately. My friend Stevie has the world's weirdest list of jobs he's held ever considering who he is. With that in mind, I've been considering, given my gifting, what the worst jobs on the planet would be for me. It could be very insightful. And finally...
5.Self Portrait of the Day- This is truth...I am the world's LEAST photogenic person. LEAST. No questions asked. My wife looks amazing in every snapshot we take. I, meanwhile, look like Quasimodo on a bad hair day. My wife says I need practice. She says I should practice taking pictures of myself so I learn how to smile for the camera. That seems vain. And stupid. But I'm getting desperate.
So please, post a comment and let me know what perks your interest. Or post an idea. If it's bad, I'll let you know :)
Labels: ' of the day, Help me, input
January 14, 2007 at 12:00 AM
looking like quasimodo next to your wife in a picture is a good thing i promise. take me for instance. a putz with a weekend pass and the hot lady next to me...my wife...so when people see the picture all they can think of is "how the hell did that guy....". And so...my friend...they are left wondering what magical talents you bring to the table. Because there is no way a sane woman would marry a quasimodo-type-looking man AND an idiot...it wouldn't make sense.
Knowing what I just wrote should help you rest easier. top
January 14, 2007 at 12:03 AM
One last add.
A man would marry a hot idiot.
This one fact is enough to show that women are (except for all the hot idiots running around) smarter. top
January 14, 2007 at 5:01 PM
even this job description is too boring to read in its entirety. the job would be awful. thank the good Lord you know what you don't like. top