Design Goodness
I'm going to stop bloggin over at my wife's's getting a little too cute...but I'm ready to rock it out here at the one stop shop for all things witty and wordy (though my inconsistency blogging leaves most readers not checking this one any more). I'm going to get you started with some light fare...
Check out this new can from Pepsi. I don't even drink pop, but I will sure as hell put this little gem up on display in my cube. Design goodness!

And the Best Site On The Web for keeping track of all your finances:'ll take you five minutes to put in all your different accounts, then that's it. It makes paying attention to your finances really fun and simple.
All for today. More coming tomorrow...including the story of how I'm driving a Harley right now. Stay tuned...
Check out this new can from Pepsi. I don't even drink pop, but I will sure as hell put this little gem up on display in my cube. Design goodness!

Rolled out can design...check out the text genius on the bottom

And the Best Site On The Web for keeping track of all your finances:'ll take you five minutes to put in all your different accounts, then that's it. It makes paying attention to your finances really fun and simple.
All for today. More coming tomorrow...including the story of how I'm driving a Harley right now. Stay tuned...
June 2, 2008 at 7:44 PM
Sheesh...bout time. I never abandoned hope. Infact, I was praying for your return. Obviously, Mithra answered.
Nice can ya got there!! Now, lets see the Harley. top
June 2, 2008 at 7:50 PM's what pepsi cans looked like the year after I was born: top
June 2, 2008 at 8:35 PM
what up AP. welcome back. i must say, the can is a little too cute for your cube. top
June 3, 2008 at 10:10 AM
hey man - nice to see you made it back
cute can, but not as cute as CANa top
June 6, 2008 at 6:22 PM
Duuuude ...
Where's the Harley story? I've been waiting breathlessly!
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